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Float Therapy

Encounter a deep relaxation like never before. Float therapy is a zero gravity, sensory deprivation experience that allows for a nervous system reset. Getting rid of all sensory input allows the part of your brain to chill out for a second that is putting constant pressure of analyzing the world around you, allowing the creative, relaxed part of your mind to come out and play. Cortisol, the main chemical component of stress, becomes lowered, and your brain releases elevated levels of dopamine and endorphins, the neurotransmitters of happiness.

The Benefits of Float Therapy

Pain Management

The absence of external stimuli calms the nervous system, decreasing sensitivity to pain signals. Float therapy enhances circulation, facilitating the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to injured tissues, promoting healing. Float therapy offers a holistic approach to pain management by addressing physical and psychological aspects of discomfort.

Manage Stress & Anxiety

Float therapy reduces cortisol levels (the stress hormone) by up to 80%. Lower your blood pressure and increase endorphin levels

Improve Sleep Quality 

One hour of sleep in a float pod is equal to 3-6 hours of REM cycle sleep as it induces theta waves and magnesium from the Epsom salt is absorbed. 

Decrease Muscle Tension

The sensation of weightlessness experienced in a float pod allows muscles to fully relax and tension to melt away and increase muscle recovery

There's More!

Boost Creativity & Cognitive Function

Ease Depression & PTSD

Increase Energy Levels

Regulate Neurochemicals & Create Homeostasis


7.7 ft X 5.5 ft of floating space, the Vmax is larger than most tanks on the market. This makes it ideal for couple floats, athletes, people with mobility issues or anyone that just enjoys the extra floating space. 

Is anyone not allowed to float?

Please note that we do not allow floats for anyone with hair dye or spray tans 30 days prior to any appointment. It can stain and damage the equipment. You may be held financially responsible for repairing all associated damage.

Do you offer couples floats? 

yes, our pod is perfect for those that want the unique shared experience of floating together.

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